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“I first played with the St. Mary’s College team, of Van Buren, Maine, and then with Ricker’s College, after which I went to Holy Cross. I was a great favorite at Holy Cross, with which team I played center field.”

“I have seen printed in several papers that the Cleveland players are liable to freeze me out of the club because I am an Indian. That is all bosh, for the white players can’t do enough for me, especially Burkett, who is said to be jealous because I lead him in batting. Jesse is proud of me because I have made such a good showing, he having recommended me to Manager Tebeau. It was while playing with the Holy Cross team at Williamstown, two years, that John M Ward, told a League manager to sign me. Burkett, who coached the Holy Cross team, finally got Tebeau to let me have a trial.”


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